Counseling and Clinical Supervision
Dr. Sartor provides all of his outpatient psychotherapy and counseling through The Wings Center at Eagle Ranch in Flowery Branch, GA. Likewise, Dr. Sartor provides clinical supervision through The Wings Center. For counseling and clinical supervision inquiries, please visit The Wings Center for more information.

As a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, engaging others in transformational conversations about the issues that matter most in life is Dr. Sartor's original professional passion. The therapeutic relationship is not an artificial relationship. Rather, it is a very real relationship, genuine and caring, that is intentionally structured to catalyze trust and, therefore, deep personal healing. It is in the experience of the bond between a therapist and client that change occurs -- at levels far beyond what information alone can produce! Because we are relational beings, a safe and authentic relationship will rework neural pathways, painful intrusive memories, emotional experience, core beliefs, thought patterns, and behavioral habits; it will transform our spiritual center. Your trust, comfort, and confidence in your counselor is the most important factor in effective psychotherapy. It is paramount that your therapist sees and understands you at depths that others typically miss. Effective psychotherapy alters the way we see ourselves, others, and the world. It changes our relationship to our past, deepens our connection to others in the present, and opens vistas of hope for our future!

Clinical Supervision
For mental health professionals, the early career season of our professional development sets the tone and direction for our future clinical work. Having established an essential fund of knowledge, clinical skill base, and professional disposition in our graduate school training, the early career clinician has enough of a professional foundation to develop his or her own unique voice and presence as a psychotherapist. Essential tasks of this season include growing more comfortable in our professional role and tasks, increasing our awareness and trust of our own clinical instincts, and making essential connections between theory and our moment-by-moment experience in the therapeutic relationship. Ideally, we simultaneously grow more humble and confident during this time, as we continue to acclimate to the personal and spiritual rigors of clinical practice. Our work is uniquely taxing with the immanent risks of compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress, yet it is co-creative, intimate, playful, spiritual, and transformational -- for both client and therapist! In short, it is a privilege like no other. Welcome to our wonderful guild!
Dr. Sartor is licensed as a Clinical Psychologist and Professional Counselor. He is also an Approved Clinical Supervisor with the National Board of Certified Counselors.